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resolvconf difficulties

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Hello all,

I'm having a hard time with resolvconf, and I can't begin to figure
where the problem lies. Here's the story:

- I use DHCP at work and a static configuration at home. Here's my
interfaces file:

auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback

#iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static
#       dns-search

- the drill at work is:
  $#~ sudo dhclient eth0

and I get everything as it should.

- On coming home, I had to edit resolv.conf every time, so I went for
resolvconf. In the first ten tries, it didn't work - it simply wouldn't
change the resolv.conf, and I kept seeing "resolvconf: error: command
not recognized".

- then, one day, I installed resolvconf again (I always use dselect for
install/uninstall, and with resolvconf I always made sure no files were
remaining), and it just started working! Every morning, dhclient would
update the resolv.conf (though one of the static nameservers would
remain..), and at night, after turning the computer on, everything would
be set to use the static config.

- Then again, withouth me knowing why (I didn't change anything),
resolv.conf stopped being updated - it is empty except for the header.

- Purging and reinstalling did not work, and googling for this error
neither. I tried calling resolvconf manually, and for any of the usages
I get:
$#~ resolvconf -u
resolvconf: error: command not recognized
$#~ resolvconf -d eth0
resolvconf: error: command not recognized

Also, on ifup or ifdown the same messages shows. Oh, but on ifdown
there's some "no such process error" as well.

Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong here? I read through the
help file and checked the scripts that could change resolv.conf - they
appear to be peaceful.



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