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RE: ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf

There's a way to solve this via mplayer menu. Do the following:
Start mplayer. Click OK for the error message about the subfont.
Right-click on any part of mplayer to access its menu.
Go to preferences (there would appear a warning message, just click OK).
Click on font tab.
Browse the font you like.
I am OK with this, if you like, you can copy and paste for you:

Hope that helps.

Nuno Vasconcellos

----Original Message Follows----
From: Charlie <geezer1016@earthlink.net>
To: Debian Users Group <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Subject: ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 19:28:07 -0500

I installed mplayer and when I click on the icon i get ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf. I installed mplayer numerous ways. From a .bz2, .deb and compiling it from instructions which seems to work bur I get the same error. Lest something think I did not do homework, I goggled forever and found a few examples for people who had the same problem and tried the solutions to no avail. I found out about something called symlink which I googled to death as well. I tried creating a subfont.ttf in the ~/.mplayer directory, I even copied and pasted some fonts both in ~/mplayer and in ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf, I got the fonts from /usr/share/fonts. I tried to do a symlink, I reasearched symlink and came up with the ln command and tried to link the ./mplayer/subfont.ttf with a font in /usr/share/fonts.
Obviously I dont know what the hell I am doing. Noob syndrom, sorry.
Could someone please help me by telling me in plain english what I need to do or direct me to someplace that gives the solution in non-uber geek language.


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