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Re: Getting the Euro symbol on to my keyboard

Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 08:22:19AM +0000, Alan Chandler wrote:
>> I want to get the ability to generate the Euro symbol from my keyboard. 
>> The symbol itself is etched in to the "4" key (on the bottom right).

Where? In X or in a VT?
>> I found this
>> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-euro-support/ch-configure.en.html
>> which is (a probably somewhat old) howto on adding the symbol.
>> Apart from the fact that is assumes that you should use 'AltGr e' for the
>> symbol (it points to a non existant EU document), I fall at the first
>> hurdle, because it suggests running dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales and
>> selecting your locale with the @euro after it.
>> en_GB (being a UK resident) is what I want to set, but there is no @euro
>> option available.

That does not really matter, even the other @euro locales do make no sense 
anymore since 2002 (the Euro is the only sensible choice for those countries 
anyway). Choose an UTF-8 locale or something with latin9 (ISO-8859-15).
In X, you then have to adjust your keyboard mapping to use the EuroSign 
symbol, e.g. with xmodmap.

> Cheat - use the Irish keyboard layout. You want 8059-15 anyway.
> You _can_ hand hack the keyboard mappings: I seem to recall
> that the authors of the Spanish package to hack the Euro onto
> Spanish keyboards had details. UTF-8 will also do it.
> [Emacs under X displays ¤ as a Euro and alt-gr c as a ¢ but will
> also still display $ and £]

My emacx-nox in a KDE konsole displays the € just fine. If it displays an ¤ 
for you, then you must change the font. In an UTF-8 locale, this should not 
happen at all. With ISO-8859-1(5), ¤ and € have the same byte value.


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