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Re: fsck errors on boot

Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao <marcelpaulo+l@gmail.com> wrote:
Andrew Sackville-West wrote on Dec, 16:


> >>errors look like this
> >>
> >>/dev/hda3: Superblock last mount time is in the future


> >This has just happened to me when I booted with a Knoppix Live CD and
> >mounted /dev/hda1. I didn't dig deeper into the problem, but Knoppix
> >seemed to have set the system time incorrectly. It looks as though the
> >last mount time is written to the filesystem superblock, so root was left
> >with the Knoppix wrong system time. When I booted with Debian, I got the
> >same messages you got. I didn't run fsck manually. At the next Debian
> >reboot, fsck was automatically run and then, no more error msgs.
> I just used a knoppix disk to do fsck on all my partitions (as I
> couldn't get to / to do fsck manually). Then I rebooted into knoppix
> again and ran fsck on all partitions and they came up clean. so I reboot
> into debian and again get the errors. I know what you're saying that
> maybe knoppix is writing incorrectly, but I got this error long before I
> thought of sticking knoppix in. And I don't get an automatic fsck on
> reboots either.

After you finish booting Knoppix, check the system time with date. Boot with
Debian and compare its system time with Knoppix's. Most likely they'll be very

My understanding (or lack of) is:

1. When you mount a partition or run fsck, the current system time is written
to the partition's superblock.

2. When you access that partition again, the program (mount, fsck, ...)
compare the superblock's time with the system time, and if they're too
different, complains.

Therefore, when you run fsck from Knoppix, Knoppix's system time goes to the
superblocks. When Debian tries to mount the partitions, mount complains
because the recorded time is too different from the current system time.

What do you have to do ? fsck from *Debian* and not Knoppix. Or, better still,
set Knoppix system time to the correct value *before* mounting any partitions
on your hard drives.


> I think its a e2fsprogs issue. what version are you running?

It doesn't look like it to me.
In my case, I downgraded the e2fsprogs to 1.38-2 and the errors went away.So, even it it is not e2fsprogs, downgrading the package fixed
the problem. Some other rudimentary errors remain though.
THese have to do with complains that some files are corrupted
in /etc/modprob.d directory. Files look good to me, so maybe
some other package needs to be downgraded too.


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