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Re: DVR software for linux

Heimdall Midgard wrote:
2005/11/6, Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net>:

On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 05:31 -0600, Colin Ingram wrote:

Does anyone know of any DVR software for Debian (or even just
GNU/Linux).  Im looking for something like this proprietary software.


MythTV & Freevo.

Well, I spent half an hour trying to figure out how to get MythTV to
work[1] until I discovered that MythTV is more like a whole new
operating system than simply just "software for" recording TV shows.

it does seem that way

For one thing, MythTV creates its own user directory under /home. This
is something I had never before seen in a piece of application
software, although it's fairly common for daemons and the like to
create their own user identities to own their processes.

it does sort of seem like something you would want to run all that time. Well I haven't tried it yet so I don't know what the start up times are like...but I know that I expect my TV to start up immediately

I had to log
in as mythtv to get to the fancy setup screen. Unfortunately the
computer I tried this on didn't have a TV tuner, as I didn't want to
test MythTV on my Net-connected unit (and possible bork my

how would it do that?

If all the OP wanted (I know it's probably not what s/he wants) was to
record shows, you can't get much lighter than mplayer (mplayerhq.hu).
You could also try mjpegtools and nvrec (SourceForge). I also see a
recording option for VLC (videolan.org) but have so far been unable to
get it to work. Mplayer can be programmed, using cron or at, to record
shows at appropriate times.

For simply watching TV, I use TVTime and sometimes even plain-vanilla mplayer.

Hey thanks for the suggestions but I was really looking for something with "liveTV" like functionality to go in a media center box

[1]  Confession: I didn't read the documentation and simply relied on
the video presentation I downloaded from

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