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Re: A page that causes Firefox (Sarge) to close

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Aside from that, how does one code to non-standards? You are taught non-standards? You copy from non-standards? You use tools that use non-standards?

This is coding to standards:

   <tag>text goes here</tag>

This is not coding to standards:

   <tag>text goes here

Either use a tool that produces standards-compliant code, or run your code through a validator of some sort. This won't solve 100% of the problems, but it'd go a long way toward it.

(NOTE: I'm "armchair-quarterbacking" here; I'm not a web developer, and have not walked in their shoes. But I'm strong on Idealism. That's part of why I run the Free distro Debian as opposed to some of those others.)

Back to the original problem: as someone else pointed out, Firefox should not crash just because it hits bad code. The fault here lies with Firefox. I was just taking this opportunity to rant about standards compliance.

(BTW, the login screen for Cox Cable Internet's webmail (http://webmail.central.cox.net/) causes FF to crash also (at least on my two home PCs; this work PC's FF didn't crash); this site also fails the W3C standards validator.)


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