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Satisfying dependencies for [libapache2-mod-php5] on a debian stable system ?


I wish to use selected packages from the unstable repository, and yet
keep my system as stable as possible. For this manner I have defined
apt as follows:

debsrv:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main

deb http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/ stable main
non-free contrib
deb-src http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/ stable main
non-free contrib

deb http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/ unstable main
non-free contrib
deb-src http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/ unstable main
non-free contrib

deb http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/ testing main
non-free contrib
deb-src http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/ testing main
non-free contrib

deb http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main contrib non-free

debsrv:~# cat /etc/apt/apt.conf
APT::Default-Release "stable";


The problem with this setup is that apt is incapable of satisfying
dependencies for packages like [libapache2-mod-php5] that are coming
from the unstable branch.

debsrv:~# apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
[ snip ]
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libapache2-mod-php5: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1) but 2.3.2.ds1-22 is
to be installed
                       Depends: libssl0.9.8 but it is not going to be installed
                       Depends: libxml2 (>= 2.6.21) but 2.6.16-7 is to
be installed
E: Broken packages

debsrv:~# apt-show-versions -a libc6
libc6   2.3.2.ds1-22    install ok installed
libc6   2.3.2.ds1-22    stable
libc6   2.3.5-6 testing
libc6   2.3.5-7 unstable
libc6/stable uptodate 2.3.2.ds1-22

As it shows that dependency can be satisfied, if only apt would be
instructed to use the testing repository. The trouble is that I DO NOT
wish to do it, I would rather instruct apt to satisfy only the most
required dependencies from the testing / unstable branch, and only
when they are requested by some package. I'm looking for an automatic
solution, that is one that doesn't include defining custom
apt_preferences(5) configurations.

Could someone please suggest a reasonable solution, or should I just
move APT::Default-Release to "testing" and be done with it?

Thank you very much,

Maxim Vexler (hq4ever).

Do u GNU ?

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