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Re: why do I need fam?

On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 08:59:18 -0400
golfer <golfbuf@gmail.com> wrote:

> I running sarge with 2.6.8-686 as a desktop workstation.
> I notice a slow down when I'm doing something as simple as copying a
> large file and top shows the 'cp' command only using about 7% of cpu,
> but also shows 'famd' as a big hog, using about 60-70 % cpu.

Fam (file alteration monitor) is used to communicate when files are

Gamin is a subset of fam and most things that like to have fam
installed are satisfied with it.

Before giving up on the whole fam idea I would try gamin to see if it
has the same performace issue.

The gamin readme file lists these goals:

 The main goals of the project are:
 1/ minimize the security model of FAM
 2/ simplify the code base
 3/ provide an API and ABI compatible replacement for FAM
 4/ try to fix some other issues like resource consumption

Later, Seeker

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