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Re: Strange crontab-problem

You are likly getting back a line from ps -ef that is infact the process of
the grep looking for sshd. 
I had a similar problem like this once.
Trap just the grep sshd part and see if the grep isn't included.

make that line read ... 

AANTAL=`ps -ef | /bin/grep '/usr/sbin/sshd' | /bin/grep -v grep |
/usr/bin/wc -l`

.. and it will stop the grep from appearing. 

At 10:43 AM 10/10/2005 -0700, Joachim Smit wrote:
>Because some naughty boys try to get in one of my
>clients' Debian-server a couple of hundred times a day
>I decided to shut down sshd when I don't need. With a
>simple mechanisme I can start sshd from distance
>whenever I want.
>Just in case I might forget to close it when I'm
>ready, I run the following script 4 times a day:
>DATUM=$($DATE +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")
>AANTAL=`ps -ef | /bin/grep '/usr/sbin/sshd' |
>/usr/bin/wc -l`
>if [ $AANTAL -ne 0 ] ; then
>  /etc/init.d/ssh stop
>  /usr/bin/mail joachimsmit@yahoo.com -s $SUBJECT <
>The strange thing is that when I run the script
>interactive, it doesn't try to shut down sshd when
>it's not active.
>But when I call the script from crontab it ALWAYS
>sends me an email, in other words, $AANTAL is always
>greater than 0. When I echo the value of $AANTAL I see
>that running from crontab it is always 1, running the
>script interactive it is always 0 (if sshd is not
>Why is there a difference between interactive and
>Kind regards,
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Craig - ><>

 o    BU SysAdmin
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