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Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 07:32:33AM -0500, Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
I've just signed up for SBC Dialup and was able to get on line without any more problems than modifying the user ID and password entries in Pap- and Chap-secrets. However, I'm unable to activate my email account, userid@sbcglobal.net. I tried the URI, tinyurl.com/3k9ds, that SBC said to use to activate the account but, was only able to fill in about 4 pages of info forms before the next button quit working. On another attempt to activate the account, SBC said to go to www.sbc.yahoo.com/download and download the SBC dialup startup disc(windows and mac only) to activate the account and did so hoping to read the disc info to discover a way to activate the account. I got a message saying that my browzer didn't support downloading(first time ever even for a windows program). SBC is no help, not supporting Linux. I'm hoping someone out there is using SBC dialup and knows the solution to my problem. Any help appreciated. Please copy my email address
as I'm not subscribed.  Thanks for your help,

Annoying, huh?  I had to use IE to be able to signup with SBC.  There
was no around it.  You may want to consider Opera, whcih at least runs
on Debian, as it is much more gracious about handling the garbage that
IE will accept.


Gracias Roberto,

Annoying, Yes, but that's what we get for being smarter.  Thanks, you
provided a workaround solutiom
for me.  And thanks for the Opera tip.  I'll try it.  First time ever,
however, that I couldn't download any
OS file with Mozilla.

Thanks Again,


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