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Re: debian testing console euro and accented characters Solved

Hugh Lawson <hlawson@triad.rr.com> writes:

> Hugh Lawson <hlawson@triad.rr.com> writes:
> > # make bash deal properly with 8-bit characters
> > bind "set output-meta on"
> > bind "set input-meta on"
> > bind "set convert-meta off"
> > 
> > 
> > /bin/loadkeys us-intl.iso15
> > /usr/bin/consolechars -f lat9u-16

[ snip ]

> How do I get accented characters and euro on the console bash command
> line in an old thinkpad?

Some more trial and error that worked.

I had the below in my thinkpad ~/.bashrc:

> > bind "set output-meta on"
> > bind "set input-meta on"
> > bind "set convert-meta off"

Instead, I put it in my ~/.inputrc, but like this:

        set output-meta on
        set input-meta on
        set convert-meta off

These variable settings make readline accept 8-bit characters, as I

Now, on bash shell command line, when I type 'c, I see c with cedilla.
The loadkeys and consolechars commands, as above, remain in the

Hugh Lawson

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