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Re: OT: Electoral College [Re: U.S. federal income tax program]

On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 04:53:44PM -0400, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> working two lower paying jobs to make ends meet.  However, the people
> who are in such situations are completely dwarfed by the number of
> people who have the husband and wife both working and unwilling to give
> up their leisure time to actually bother raising their children.

Heh, you must know my aunt and uncle. ;)  My uncle is a Baptist minister,
which is a full-time job.  Understandable, that's his calling, he can't give
that up.  My aunt is a receptionist at a college.  She doesn't have to work,
my uncle makes good money.  Why does she then?  So she can afford to go on
shopping sprees every weekend or so.  My cousins were dumped into daycare as
soon as they hit the minimum age (6 weeks-- I kid you not), and are the most
undisciplined kids I've ever seen.  Preachers kids are almost always bad,
but these kids are the worst.  They're always getting in trouble for
punching and biting other kids (including each other-- sibling rivalry is
one thing, a ten-year-old giving his 5-year-old sister a black eye so he can
have her poptart is something else).  Why?  I think (from what I've seen of
them and other daycare-raised kids) because they've been raised by daycare
for the most part with little contact with their parents (especially their
mother-- they get 'annoying and it's inconvenient for her').   So, yeah,
people need to raise their kids, make sure they get a good education, and
quit dumping them on daycare, school, and society.  If and  when I have
kids, they will never see the inside of a daycare center if I can help it.

My $0.02 USD.

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://neuromancer.homelinux.com/
Registered Linux user #280021   http://counter.li.org/

Linux. Where do you want to go tomorrow?

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