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Re: no sound from flash on web pages

Rob Benton <rob.benton@conwaycorp.net>:
>  Anybody else run into something like this?  I'm running stable and using 
>  any browser that has flash I don't get any sound from it.  I don't know 
>  if I'm missing a device entry in /dev or what the deal is.  Alsa seems 
>  to work with everything else.

I'm on Etch/Testing and I've seen no problem, aside from the fact that
every other flash page I run into is blank and fails or it tends to
spike CPU usage through the roof.  If the recruiters and headhunters
nowadays weren't addicted to swf, I'd just as well delete it.

  swf-player 0.3.4-3
  gstreamer0.8-swfdec 0.8.8-3
  libswfdec0.3 0.3.4-3
  mozilla-browser 1.7.8-1
  ESS Technology ES1983S Maestro-3i PCI Audio Accelerator

I use ESD, and my esd.conf is stock:

  (0) infidel /home/keeling_ cat /etc/esound/esd.conf 
  spawn_options=-terminate -nobeeps -as 5
  # default options are used in spawned and non-spawned mode

    Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
    (*)    http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling           Linux Counter #80292
    - -    Spammers! http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling/autospam.html
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1855.txt democracy human rights Taiwan Independence

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