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Re: Writing problem on FAT via NFS - solution

Ok guys,

for those who are interested I´ve got the solution.

Create a new server group e.g. vfat-user (GID=500).
In the server fstab insert this GID and a valid UID for the FAT partition. Here I use my own UID (UID=1000) and GID=vfat-user.

In /etc/exports export the FAT with the follwing options: ?all_squash,anonuid=1000,anongid=500? and addionally the options you´d like to have (?rw,async?). anonuid and anongid are representing the UID and GID which already are part of the server fstab entry of the FAT. They are used for mapping the NFS access of the user ?nobody?.

For the client fstab no significant inserts are necessary. For example I use here /mnt/nfs nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,user,soft,bg,noauto 0 0.

With this configuration you can establish the access to the server FAT for multiple users. If you need access only for one user you can leave out the options anonuid, anongid and all_squash in /etc/exports.

Have fun,

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