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Re: OT: Electoral College [Re: U.S. federal income tax program]

On Monday 29 August 2005 12:40 am, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 11:14:24AM +0800, Katipo wrote:
> > Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> > ><big snip>
> > > It would be better if all states did that, if only
> > >because it provides a more accurate reflection of what the people want
> > >without allowing sudden changes in the public mood to unduly affect
> > >election results.
> >
> > Any government, that usurps the right of an individual to: make his/er
> > own decision on his own personal existence; to make the wrong decision;
> > and to suffer by it, is not a democratic institution, and fails in its
> > function immediately.
> First off, it would be nice if more people held that view.  Maybe then
> we would not be suffering at the hands of liberals and neo-cons that
> think that the only way to accomplish anything is with a bigger
> government that dictates people's personal lives to them.

It's not liberals that feel that way.  Liberal has just become a catch-all 
word used by people that want to blame someone else for doing what they think 
is wrong.  It's funny, though, that so many of the people that complain about 
liberals are the ones who have supported officials who have driven America 
deeper and deeper in debt.

It reminds me of what I learned working in treatment centers -- when people 
don't like what they're doing, they deny they do it, call it evil, and blame 
others for doing the same thing.

If we're going to discuss politics, let us at least keep the discussion 
intelligent enough to not resort to broad terms (like liberal) that have 
essentially lost their meaning because others have used them to apply to 
anyone they want to blame for something they don't like.

As to being at the hands of "liberals and neo-cons", the "liberals", as you 
call them, are out of power now, and it is this new group of mean, greedy and 
power hungry people that call themselves conservatives and Republicans (and 
bear no resemblance to the principles of the Republican part of the past) who 
are in power now, in the White House and in Congress.


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