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Re: How to automatic restore alsamixer settings with alsa-utils?

Hi Tim,

Try placing an executable file with "alsactl restore" in /etc/rc2.d and
call the file S99alsa, or something. The important part is S99 which
means alsactl is one of the last things which will be called while


On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 09:54 +0200, Tim Ruehsen wrote:
> Hi,
> on my SID system, I experience that alsamixer settings are not restored after 
> booting. It looks like /etc/rcS.d/S50alsa-utils is called at the wrong time 
> (too early?). Because after rebooting I can restore alsamixer settings just 
> by calling '/etc/init.d/alsa-utils start' or alternatively by calling 
> 'alsactl restore'.
> And yes, alsa-utils is called while booting (I can see it's output).
> This is for quite a while now and just a bit annoying. I have this (kernel?) 
> bug, where I have to switch off 'Headphone Jack Sense' and 'Line Jack Sense' 
> to hear anything. Else, I wouldn't have noticed this alsa-utils behaviour.
> Did I miss something (maybe a packet or something)?
> Regards, Tim

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