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Re: Can't install Sarge on an HP NetServer


Finally after many tries and (actually unuseful) web searches I could install Debian on an HP NetServer LH4.
As suggested by Raquel I simply installed Woody booting with "vanilla".
I installed only the base system from the first cd.

Now I have to upgrade to Sarge.
Can I do it simply with apt-get dist-upgrade ?
Will this remove the old kernel and replace with a kernel that won't work ? (I'm afraid I'll encounter the same SCSI problem I experienced while trying to install Sarge, but can anyone please tell if I'm wrong?)

Best regards,
Marco Ballini

---------- Initial Header -----------

>From      : "Raquel Rice" raquel@thericehouse.net
To          : debian-user@lists.debian.org
Cc          :
Date      : Thu, 25 Aug 2005 09:22:34 -0700
Subject : Re: Can't install Sarge on an HP NetServer

> I don't have any help for you, but I have Sarge running on a HP
> NetServer L3.  Woody installed with no problems and then when Sarge
> was released, the upgrade went flawlessly.
> -- 
> Raquel

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