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Re: Sarge - disk list?

> On June 14, 2005 05:56 pm, Thomas Adam wrote:
> >
> > ... the "netinst" iso comes with base -- whereas the business
> > card one does not.
> Sorry no fast connection. I'll be installing from cd. This is why 
> I'm looking for the index, toc, list etc for the cds at the above 
> url.

I think you are out of luck. There is still - as far as I know - no such
index. But: the packages on the CDs are arranged by popularity, so if
you just want to set up a standard desktop or a small server, you should
be fine downloading only the first two or three CDs.

If I won the lottery I would keep all the money and wallpaper my house
with it.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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