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Re: Newly installed Sarge: (1) halts at 8529A IRQ 7 (2) cannot start gdm: X server is missing.

"Bill Marcum" <bmarcum@iglou.com> escribió en el mensaje 
[🔎] 20050613211009.GB17487@don.localnet">news:[🔎] 20050613211009.GB17487@don.localnet...
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 04:06:55PM -0300, Fernando Cacciola wrote:
>> Hello People,
>> I had Knoppix 3.8.1 intalled on an old AMD K7 Duron 700 with 128Mb RAM, 
>> all
>> OnBoard except the wireless eth card.
>> It worked OK.
>> Then I installed Sarge from scratch (keeping the Knoppix partitions but
>> re-installing the Sarge FS on it) using a netdist CD.
>> The CD part went very smoothly, but when it first booted from the HD I 
>> got:
>> (1) Spurious 8529A interrupt IRQ7; and it halted.
>> Using another PC I looked that up in google and saw that it was probably
>> related to the ACPI code on the 2.4 Kernel.
>> So I tried with the 2.6 Kernel but I had 2 problems:
>> (2.a) DHCP didn't work (and I tried several times) (but it did for Kernel
>> 2.4)
>> (2.b) Leaving net unconfigured, it stops at some point saying that it
>> couldn't locate the Kernel image for 2.6. Either it is not on the netinst 
>> CD
>> or it was trying to get it from the internet (and of course it failed)
>> So I had to stick with the 2.4 Kernel.
>> I tried adding "linux acpi=off" on the CD prompt and installing all over
>> again but I still had the IRQ problem.
>> So I was about to install Knoppix back again when I read in its help 
>> window
>> to try: "knoppix acpi=off noapci pci=bios" for "broken BIOS"... I figured 
>> my
>> PC could have a broken BIOS so I tried those parameters with the debian
>> netinst CD.
>> It then passed the first HD boot and moved on with the installation.
>> Yet, after it finished downloading and configuring all the packages I got 
>> a
>> error saying that "Some packages couldn't be installed"... but it didn't 
>> say
>> which ones, so I just ignored it and finished the installation.
>> When I rebooted (for the first time with the system apparently fully
>> installed) I got back the IRQ problem, so I just rebooted again and again
>> until it passed (I eventually determined that the message always 
>> apperared
>> but 4 out of 5 times it also halted)
> Did you use "pci=bios" when you rebooted?  You can put that into
> /etc/lilo.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst depending which boot loader you
> use.
Ha, OK.
FWIW, I discover that the halt mostly occurs when I re-boot (warn-start), 
but not when I boot (cold-start).
I might not need to upgrade the Kernel to 2.6.
Anyway, is this generally advised? Are there good reasons for doing so?

>> So I typed "apt-get -f installed" and it download XFree86-common and 
>> spend
>> quite a lot of time updating packages.
>> I though it was it, but after I rebooted (about 5 times to get past the 
>> IRQ
>> halt); I still get the console prompt and the error that the X server is
>> missing.
>> Effectively, xinit is trying to execute "/usr/bin/X11R6/X" but I don't 
>> have
>> that X on my system.
>> Any clues?
> apt-get install xserver-xfree86
> apt-get install x-window-system
That worked, thanks!

Another Q: I'm sure I've seen some packages (like open-office) being install 
during the instalation process, but I don't see them now in the GNome nor 
KDE menus (I installed both and I'm using gdm)
Is it possible to have such "Applications" installed but not appearing in 
the menus?
If so, how do I fix it? (Besides manually locating and adding each such App)


Fernando Cacciola
Debian User :-))

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