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Re: Disk Mirroring in Sarge howto

On 6/13/05, Aurélien Campéas <aurelien.campeas@uni.lu> wrote:
> Le lundi 13 juin 2005 à 12:58 +0530, Siju George a écrit :
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I would like to implement Disk mirroring ( Raid1 ) in Debian Sarge. Is
> > it possible to configure it while installation if I have both hard
> > disks attached??
> >
> > Could someone please tell me what is the easiest way ( steps ) to get
> > this done???
> >
> > I hope it will be easy because the Installer has an option to
> > configure software RAID but I a not able to get doing it successfully
> > :-(
> Can you give more details about what's going on ? Without much, nobody
> will be able to help.

Thankyou so much Aurélien for responding!

I have two hard disks 40 GB each! I want to have RAID 1 including the
/ partition and boot loader. ie if one hard disk goes down I should be
able to boot from the other one.

How do I configure it with the installer??

I want to have the following partitions in both the hard disk

/ - 500 MB - Primary
swap - 2 GB - Primary
/usr - 5 GB - Primary
/home - 500 MB - Logical
/tmp - 5 GB - Logical
/var/log - 5 GB -logical
/var - rest of the disk - logical

I prefer ext3 or ReiserFS for file systems.

How should I go about it??? is it possible to configure these
partitions in the first hard disk and finish the install and then
later do the mirroring? or is it possible to do the mirroring also
during the install???

Thankyou so much for the help :-)

kind regards



Actually I have two hard disks

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