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Re: Ifconfig

I have tried to modify the interfaces file before. I added precisely what you told me to. It did not work. But, since I did a dist-upgrade from Sarge to Stable Sarge, the file change. I have re-added it: Perhaps it shall now work. Me hopes so.

As to the second thing, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Use the corresponding entry in /etc/network/interfaces to ONLY do it.", specifically the "corresponding entry" and the "to ONLY do it.".

(As an aside, I recently did another apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, just to see if there was any thing new. It told me I had twenty-nine not upgraded. But, I just put in KDE 3.4.1. So, I did apt-get -V upgrade and each package says: (3.3.2-1 => 3.4.1-1). Does this mean it will upgrade from 3.3.2 to 3.4.1 or down-grade from 3.4.1 to 3.3.2? Thanks.)

On 13/06/05, Paul Fraser <pfraser@ipv6.net.au> wrote:
Tried what sort of thing? What didn't work?

Because for once I'm going to take some sympathy, instead of doing the right
thing and trying to get you to learn how to do something, I'm going to
spoon-feed you.

You want lo to come up at boot?

Edit /etc/network/interfaces, add the following lines:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

You want PPP to only connect once? Disable any on-boot scripts that are
loading it (say, ppp) by doing a 'update-rc.d -f pppd remove'. Use the
corresponding entry in /etc/network/interfaces to ONLY do it. This keeps
everything consistent, easy to manage, etc etc.

Also, maybe in future you can explain a little more how you got pppoeconf to
'set up my ifconfig'...




From: David R. Litwin [mailto:presently42@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, 13 June 2005 3:49 PM
To: debian users
Subject: Re: Ifconfig

I tried that sort of thing. It didn't work. I've tried quite a few things
and none of the worked. I really do need some one to tell me. Sorry.

—Moose Moose Jam Sausage Meow-Mix.
—My Hover-Craft is Full of Eels.
—[...]and that's the he and the she of it.
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