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USB Key Boot Hang


I've got kernel 2.6.8 running well, compiled using the debian kernel tools.

I have all my IDE compiled into the kernel, no modules.

For my SATA disk I have the SCSI libsata as kernel modules.

For my USB I have EHCI,OHCI and UHCI as kernel modules.

This seems to work very well.

However if I reboot with my USB key plugged into the machine
it hangs at boot. The last screen messages are:

PCI: Using configuration type 1
ACPI: Subsystem revision 20040326

I don't have this problem using the 2.4 kernel image that
comes with the current Debian net installer for Stable.

So I'm sure I am missing something with the layout of
my kernel or something.

In order to have the USB key plugged in and boot OK past
the ACPI error, do I need to have the USB not as kernel modules perhaps?

Any advice much appreciated.

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