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Re: Live Radar Image as KDE Screensaver

On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 07:33:09AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> Does anyone know of a way to grab a live weather radar image from a
> public source (like NOAA or weather.com) and use it as a screensaver in
> KDE?

You could have wget (or something similar like LWP (libwww-perl))
download the image periodically via a cron job, and save it to
wherever KDE expects to find it.  (Or even use some KDE built-in
polling mechanism to periodically fetch the file -- not sure whether
there is such a thing... I'm not using KDE).

In any case, you'd first have to find out what the exact image URL is.
For this, just navigate to the desired page using your browser, and
cut-n-paste the direct URL to the JPG/GIF/TIFF into your wget script...

If you're lucky, the image URL will not change, although the image
behind it is being updated -- so you just need to fetch a static URL.
In case URLs should change, or if some form of non-trivial
authentication is required, then LWP might be better suited than wget,
as Perl makes it easy to do any scripting required...

(Actually, I've done something like this some time ago, but then
decided that I - in the long run - still like my self-shot sceneries
much more than various arrangements of clouds on my desktop :) -- in
particular, as I wasn't able to find any server that _reliably_
delivers reasonably hi-res, up-to-date satellite or radar images...)


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