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Re: [xine-user] Cracking noise playing Audio CDs on kaffeine/xine


Alban Browaeys wrote on Jun,  1:
> > With kaffeine/xine  the same cracking/skipping sound while playing
> > With kscd	    played perfectly
> kscd use the analog output from the cd reader (the cable that goes from
> the player to the sound card).
> kaffeine/xine use the digital output (the ide cable).
> Why digital is worse than analog. I would blame it on copy protection. THe
> analog out have filter to remove the noise they can produce not the
> digital output.

This puts the matter into the proper frame. I didn't know that. So it
looks like kaffeine/xine may not be the practical tool for everyday
audio CD playing. I recall having seen something about filters in xine.
I'll see if that won't then make the digital output approach the analog

> You can try to rip it (soundjuicer or else) and test if the resulting
> mpg3 or ogg play nice.

I'll try that just to make sure.

Thanks a lot for the explanation

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