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Re: MySQL won't start

On Sunday 29 May 2005 22:58, Felix Natter wrote:
> May 29 18:59:21 localhost mysqld[4420]: 050529 18:59:21 Can't start server:
> cannot resolve hostname!: No such file or directory
> I am guessing that either:
> - /etc/hosts does not contain localhost
> - "ifconfig lo" does not exist
> - /etc/hostname does not exist

1 and 2 are in place, working and readable. Lo makes no difference - I have 
tried with both, up and down.

However, after some more hours of trying I have found a fix in this way: just 
commented the line (in my.cnf):
#bind-address            =

This makes mysql start and listen:
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN

I have not yet had time to see if everything works :) but at least it doesn't 
give errors at startup...

 Palantir     === http://www.netpalantir.it
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