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Re: OT Required Options?

also sprach Martin Dickopp <martin@zero-based.org> [2005.05.27.1738 +0200]:
> While I haven't used any Microsoft product for more than 10 years, some
> googling suggested a very different meaning of the term "options" to me.

An option may be what movie you choose to watch, or what music to
listen to; what software you install and what hardware you purchase.
With Microsoft's drop of the NGSCB and the complete (!) adoption of
Digital Restriction Management in its worst form (well, worst given
today's standards... this is only the beginning), their bribery
involvements with hardware vendors and hatred for other software
vendors should give enough of a list of restrictions they impose.
There was a time when Opera did not run on Windows because Microsoft
did not want another browser, just to give a simple example. At
other times, Windows would identify Linux as a virus and offer to
"clean" the system from it (by removing its entry in the MBR).

So there, I surely know where I want to go tomorrow...

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
`. `'`
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