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The dumb things we do to ourselves.

Be careful what you wish for.  Today I decided, instead of doing my
homework, that I was going to start learning mutt.  I normally localize
my system to es_ES, but this makes the default key bindings not make
sense when I look at a UI in Spanish.  I decided to whip up a two line
shell script called mutt:

LANG=C mutt

I placed in ~/bin, which ordinarily, would not be a problem.  The
problem came with this:

$ echo $PATH

This way, when I typed `mutt' at the command line, I would hit the `mutt'
in ~/bin and not the one in /usr/bin.  Naturally, since I did not
specify an explicit path to the `mutt' in my script, my invocation
caused a fork to execute mutt, which happened to be the shell script, since
it was before the binary in /usr/bin.  Imagine my surprise when it
fairly locked my machine up and consumed all my memory (1 GB) and swap
(another 1 GB) in about a minute with fork after fork racing to execute
the `mutt' in ~/bin.

I fixed the script like this:

LANG=C /usr/bin/mutt

Hopefully, someone gets a chuckle out of this.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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