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Re: [OT] Debian is ugly -- package for beautification?

On 2005-05-15, Alex Malinovich penned:
> On Sat, 2005-05-14 at 10:42 -0600, Monique Y. Mudama wrote:
>> On 2005-05-14, Ron Johnson penned:
>> >
>> > Prettier???  Is that what's keeping your SO from using Linux?
>> >
>> Stereotype much?
> You'll have to pardon me while I play devil's advocate here :), but
> the gender of the significant other wasn't specified (though it
> obviously may have been implied). And, since it wasn't, in-fact,
> specified, then your response could be construed as a stereotype of
> the gender of a significant other.

See, I thought about this, especially because Ron said "SO" instead of
some more gender-specific term.  Either he's implying something about
the OP's female partner, or he's implying something about the OP's gay
male partner.  Either way, it's a stereotype.  I didn't say anything
about gender in my post.

> p.s. In all fairness to Ron, he's never held back from speaking his
> mind on this list which, in my case at least, is why I value him so
> much as a member of the community.

I don't have a problem with people speaking their minds; I also don't
have a problem calling BS when I see it.

And back to the original topic, while I personally don't even run ?DM
and whatnot, I think it's rather inappropriate to mock people for
wanting certain characteristics in their linux installation.  The idea
of creating a Task to bundle a bunch of prettifying packages makes sense
to me, *except* that I'm sure not everyone would agree on what makes
things pretty.  Perhaps instead, it could be a single script that
prompted the user for decisions about the characteristics of their
system, kind of like Bastille does.


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