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Re: eth0: link down problem

On 5/15/05, linux@vanoverbruggen.nl <linux@vanoverbruggen.nl> wrote:
> As a newbie on linux I am pretty proud that I already have linux running,
> apache, samba, dhcp are all up.. Yet I now came accross something that I do
> not understand.
>  I had everything running and now, suddenly the ethernet cad is not working
> anymore
>  What I notice:
>  - When I plug in the cable, there is no light turning on (nor on the linux
> server, nor on the hub connected to it)

>From what I've seen, even disabling/setting down network interfaces
leaves the light on.  It sounds like a bad cable, loose connection,
bent pin, something physical.  If you want to mess with the software
side of it, try man ifconfig.  You'll also need a default route if
it's your connection to the Internet.  man route

>  > eth0: Link down

>  Any suggestions ?
>  Can I just remove and 'reinstall' the network drivers ? How ?

Technically possible, but almost never solves anything, unlike
Windows.  Not much "magic" happens with a driver installation, so
reinstalling does nothing unless the driver file was corrupted.  The
Linux kernel is good at probing the hardware, and if it fails, you
have to add extra parameters to point it in the right direction, or
stop probing for something, etc.  It looks like the hardware was
probed and discovered just fine and that the driver was loaded.

Adam Fabian

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