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gtkdeprecation error?

this is a section of a very long list of error codes that i get when i try to run nicotine (a music p2p program)

/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/settingswindow.py:697: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
 self.SettingsTreeview.expand_row((0,), gtk.TRUE)
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/settingswindow.py:698: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
 self.SettingsTreeview.expand_row((1,), gtk.TRUE)
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/settingswindow.py:699: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
 self.SettingsTreeview.expand_row((2,), gtk.TRUE)
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/chatrooms.py:73: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/chatrooms.py:87: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/frame.py:940: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.FALSE is deprecated, use False instead
/home/brandon/nicotine-1.0.8/pynicotine/gtkgui/frame.py:274: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.FALSE is deprecated, use False instead
 if self.autoaway:

i am using python-gtk 2.6.1-2, which in turn depends on python2.3-gtk2

All of them (including the ones not listed above) are related to GtkDeprecationWarning. i did a google on it but found nothing... or rather nothing that could solve my problem (only 1 page of results). maybe someone can shed some light on this?

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