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Re: Debian vs. MEPIS/Knoppix/Ubuntu/other DEB distros

On Friday 08 April 2005 12:25 pm, Paul Smith wrote:
> %% Hal Vaughan <hal@thresholddigital.com> writes:
>   hv> Ubuntu is a good Debian based distro.  A good part of the install
>   hv> is the same as the new Sarge installer.  I hear the next version
>   hv> of Ubuntu is about to be released, too.
> It was, yesterday/this morning.  Ubuntu has a LiveCD as well if you want
> to see how it will work on your hardware without overwriting what you
> have.

Yeah, right after I finished that response, I checked out /. and saw it there.

> They'll even send you a CD (or a handful of CDs) free (although it takes
> a week or two (or three) to arrive).
> The new Ubuntu has X.org, Gnome 2.10.1, and lots of other very fresh
> stuff, so it is NOT solely based on Debian testing, by any stretch.

I tried the previous version Live CD, which had serious problems with my 
Logitech wireless mouse (which isn't an exotic model and has never been an 
issue with any install or distro before), but I tried the last RC of Hoary 
and that was fixed.  I just finished setting up my Dad's computer with Mepis, 
and if Hoary had gone Gold a few days earlier, I might have used that -- but, 
as it is, his computer is using the same version of Mepis most of my boxen 
are running now, which makes life a tad esaier.

> More info:
>   http://lwn.net/Articles/131291/
> Be warned!  The ubuntulinux.org site is veeeerrryyyy slooooooooow today,
> because of all the traffic generated by the excitement of the new
> version.

My general rule of thumb is that once a release is announced on /. I won't 
download it until something like 2 am that night, when traffic usually slows 
down, or I'll wait several days.  If I find out about a release when the 
distro announces it, before it hits /. and other sites, I'll grab it right 
away.  With 4Mbs download speed (thanks, Comcast!), sometimes I can grab even 
a 3 cd distro in under 20 minutes.


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