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Re: Command-line PHP with Woody

>> There is a php4 binary in Woody, but it does not produce the expected 
>> result
>> when used from the command line.  Apparently php4-cli was only available
> What was the problem?

I have a file called test.php:
$ cat test.php
echo "Hello";

When I try to run it from the command line I get the following:

robert@debian:~/testing$ php4 test.php
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.2
Content-type: text/html


> Sure I've done this many times when I didn't want to go to the trouble of
> making a package.  One option is to install it in /opt/php-xx.yy.zz
> (version) and link the binary there to /usr/local/bin/php.  This makes
> later version updates easy.  Some components are not compiled in by
> default and need flags to configure.

I'll do that - done it many times before. 

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