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Re: Command-line PHP with Woody

Am 2005-04-07 07:40:35, schrieb Robert S:

> Does that mean I can install the sarge package on my woody system?  Attempts 
> to do this have always led to my package system getting seriously damaged in 
> the past - even when I've followed the instructions on the Deb website.

No, you can not, because it depends on libc6 2.3.2.ds1-4

> If there is a "safe" way can somebody tell me?

Get a backport for libc6 2.2.4

> Are there any well-tested backports on the web apart from backports.org?

They are not php4 packages on backports.org.

> I suppose I could also compile it by hand, but the server is being used in 
> my office and I can't afford to have anything go wrong.

I have already installed php4-cli on my WOODY station, but not more
the Packages. If you have time, I will compile it the Weekend.


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