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printing very large sheets


I'm trying to print a very large sheet of paper (44"x12"). The printer
(HP9650) is fine with standard sheet sizes, but I can't figure out how to
make it print very large sheets of paper. This is what I've tried:

	- set the default paper size to "custom"

	- resizes the sheet to a "standard" paper size, even if a custom page
	  size is used. Apparently this is due to a bug in Java 1.3.1?

	- from OOo create a ps file and then resize using psresize. Generates
	  the following error: 

D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] -----------
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] New page:  2 2
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Inserting option code into "PageSetup" section.
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Found:
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] %%Page: 2 2
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] --> Output goes to the FIFO buffer now.
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] 
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] No page header or page header not DSC-conforming
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] 
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Found: %%BeginPageSetup
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Found: %%EndPageSetup
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] End of page header
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Flushing FIFO.
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] 
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Closing renderer
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] KID3 exited with status 3
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Renderer exit stat: 3
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Renderer process finished
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Killing process 18675 (KID3)
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Process dying with "Error closing renderer", exit stat: 3
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] [Job 125] Error closing renderer
E [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] PID 18673 stopped with status 3!
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] UpdateJob: job 125, file 0 is complete.
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] CancelJob: id = 125
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] StopJob: id = 125, force = 0
D [29/Mar/2005:01:35:37 -0500] StopJob: printer state is 3

I tried bringing the document into Scribus (1.2.1), but it was just way too
unstable for me.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know the printer *can* do
paper this large, I'm just not sure how...I am willing to try software
other than OOo, but it needs to be stable. I'm writing applications and
can't have the stress of the software crashing every X number of minutes
because I dragged and dropped too quickly.


Emma Jane Hogbin
Guild of Accessible Web Designers :: www.gawds.org
consulting: www.xtrinsic.com

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