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Re: bootlogd ceased to function

On Monday 28 March 2005 16:45, debian-user-digest-request@lists.debian.org 
> Right now I'm taking the following stance on this: bootlogd
> is off by default because it simply doesn't work on all
> the various setups out there. If it works for you, great.
> If it doesn't, tough ... basically bootlogd is a hack and
> getting it to work reliably needs kernel support. Someone
> needs to put in work for that, and if a future kernel does
> get better support for bootlogd it will take 4 years for
> that kernel to become the default in Debian installs. So,
> don't hold your breath ...

Don't work on mine either.

Closest I can get is logcheck which is a compendium of various logs that are 
working. Better than nothing.

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