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Re: How to get mysql to accept network conections

Mysql authentication works on the premise of user@host.
its configurable - so you can have say, root@localhost be allowed
but root@someotherhost not permitted.

a default install of mysql will only allow root from localhost
what I would suggest is using a user OTHER than root, and making sure
you add the user to mysql with the correct host itll be connecting from
and permissions to the proper db.

i'm assuming the mythtv package wants its own database. I've never
set it up before, but I would gather it probably tries to create the db
on its own.

you can add the user like this (assuming the db is there, and called 'mythtv')

from the mysql> prompt:

grant all privileges on mythtv.* to 'myuser'@'myhost' identified by 'mypassword'

that should create a user, "myuser" who can only connect from "myhost" with password

hope that helps!

stan wrote:
On Sun, Mar 27, 2005 at 06:03:00PM -0800, Dan wrote:

if you comment out that bindaddress line, it wont specifically bind to an address.

I had to do the same thing on one of my sql servers.
try that and see if it helps


Well, I think it made things better, in that if I try to connect to the
mysql instance running on that machine, bus ing "mysql -h" on another
machine I know get a "permission denied" type message.

But, unforutnately I still cant get dpk-reconfigure of mythtv-databse to
run. It's dying with a:

Failed to connect to database: Access denied for user: 'root@yogi.fas.com'
(Using password: NO) at -e line 5, <> line 1.

message. My guess is that I somehow need to allow that user to connect.
I'm not certain wy it's not just connecting as "root" from localhost" but
that's what the postinst script is doing.

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