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Re: IPW2100

paul tsai wrote:

> Hello all,
> I´ve been trying out debian again after a brief period of not using it
> for a while and for some reason, things definitely seem broken in
> sarge, but I´m sure everyone will say it´s me.
> I used to remember that the network config scripts were in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.  When were they changed to
> /etc/network?  In any case I ran into a couple of issues, but the one
> that´s making me upset that I for the life of me cannot figure out how
> to setup my wireless in debian (it works easily in other  distros).
> I have a Intel 2100 and I´m using Sarge.  So I installed the source
> through sarge and followed the directions in /usr/share/doc/ipw2100,
> untarring the files necessary and running module assistant which comes
> back with no errors.  So I then go do the firmware and I think that´s
> good too.  so reboot, and I dmesg and I see that the modules are
> loading (BTW I did have the wireless support in my kernel enabled),
> but for the life of me I cannot get it to assign it to a device like
> wlan0.  Anytime I do anything that tries to setup the network I get a
> device not found etc.  Now I´m assigning it an alias in both
> modutils/alias and modprobe.d/alias and putting ipw2100 in the modules
> files.  Either I´m missing something or something is broken.  Please
> help.  I haven even began to try to setup the network connections.

As soon as the firmware and modules for ipw2100 is loaded it get an ethernet
device name attached to it. Something like ethX. I've been using it well
for a couple of months now.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT -- http://www.researchut.com
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