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Re: Writing for Free Software Magazine

On Saturday 26 March 2005 16:39, Tony Mobily wrote:
> I have the feeling you misunderstood what we wrote on the web site.

Not at all.

> I  am not sure you realise the ALL the contents are released for free six
> weeks after publication. I am sure you wouldn't write this if you had
> realised.

Six weeks is a long time in computing, when viruses and patents can change the 
landscape overnight.  Hell, that's the lifetime of some software versions in 
Free Software.  What use is news about an issue six weeks after it happened 
to someone who might want to help campaign against something, or just to 
comment on an article before the next article in the series is already 

If everyone is limited to six weeks, then the pace of all related 
communication will slow to compensate, but if some can communicate 
immediately whilst others must wait to hear what was said never mind 
replying, then they are second class citizens, by definition.

> That's fantastic. That's exactly what we are trying to do. That's the
> beauty of free software: different people working towards a common
> goal.

Yes, cooperation is something worth maintaining :)


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