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Re: running a Debian repository on a RH derivative

On Friday 25 March 2005 09:22 pm, Mitchell Laks wrote:

> As a relatively new Debian user (about 9 months...) I have been running a
> local Debian mirror on a redhat 7.3 box since I started.
> After all, when I started using Debian I only knew Redhat. I didn't know
> how to set up an apache web server to serve up my local network with the
> Debs.
> Now, of course, when I have 15 machines running Debian and I have 5 mirrors
> at different sites, I could do it either way. I wouldn't think to go back
> to redhat.
> On the other hand, my primary mirror still runs Redhat 7.3. I have not had
> to update the machine because I don't use it for anything else. Of course
> the machine has 64 meg of ram and is a pentium II. It just rsyncs every
> night.
> So just use the rsync script (found on the debian mirror site) on any linux
> you have. And set up apache and set up a sym link  to /var/www for your
> debian directory and you are done.

Thanks, I will try the script.  I would prefer not to have to run a RedHat or 
RedHat derivative system at all, but it is not possible to fix this 
particular machine to run Debian.  My other machines run Debian or Debian 


sp@mtr@p: croak@shadypond.com

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