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udev and sound the right way? kernel 2.6.10

Hi, folks.

I've got 2.6.10 running with udev.  Debian source, custom
compile for Pentium M plus nvidia.

Works great, till a couple days later when I want to play a
track in xmms (don't use sound much :-) )

It can't find /dev/dsp*.  Neither can madplay.  aumix can't
find /dev/mixer*.  Strange.

So I poke around and lsmod shows sound stuff loaded.

I do a find in /dev/ and it turns out there's a .static
subdir and the old static devices are down there.  This
makes a little sense, since Alban Browaeys recently wrote...

> ...  if a device file is not created it is because either 
> because the driver does not support sysfs yet (as driver 
> which did not supported devfs failed too) ...
> /dev/.static or old /.dev are really usefull as not all
> kernel drivers are yet ported to sysfs/hotplug (and some 
> won't be before 2.7 as the risk for mass bugs is too 
> heavy : console driver ...). Well they may be if 2.7
> takes too long to appear.

OK. So perhaps that's the problem...

Here's what I did to fix it for now...

  ln -s /dev/.static/dev/mixer0 /dev/mixer0
  ln -s /dev/.static/dev/mixer0 /dev/mixer
  ln -s /dev/.static/dev/dsp0 /dev/dsp
  ln -s /dev/.static/dev/dsp0 /dev/dsp0
  chmod ugo+rx /dev/.static

This won't persist past a reboot, so I'm wondering what I
should do.  Tried to look for a way to make a custom udev
rule for it, but ...

  # udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/./.static/dev/dsp0)
  couldn't get the class device

  # udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/./.static/dev/mixer0)
  couldn't get the class device

Any suggestions?

-- Tony Godshall 

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