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fixed Re: associate usb-storage with scsi?

Well, I can't work out what went wrong, but rebuilding the next kernel 2.6.10 from debian source fixed it all.

So.... who knows?


Sam Liddicott wrote:
I'm scratching my head.

If I installubuntu 5.04 then apart from my printer and various other things NOT working, hotplug of usb storage devices does work.

On regular debian I have purged and re-installed hal, udev and hotplug and gang and now udev doesn'teven seem to know what to do when I insert my usb storage, (some usermaps missing no doubt, but dpkg -S usermap does not reveals the source of the now-missing usermaps)

I can even modprobe scsi_mod, sg, usb-storageand all the rest I can thinkof and none of them go "Oh, criky, we can use this usb-storage thing"

In fact cat /proc/scsi/scsi returns nothing.

WHat is it that I need to do to allow scsi modules to work against my usb storgae? It used to work till some inknown apt-get upgrade broke it.


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