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Re: Sunbird0.2 segfaults

Hannes Mayer wrote:

FF and TB are installed (and work), but not as .deb's (original
mozilla.org release)

I compiled SB from source 2 times now:
Both compiles succeeded, but only *without* XFT and GTK2 Sunbird
starts. The XFT/GTK2 enabled build segfaults, just as the XFT/GTK2
enabled build from mozilla.org.
I've put together a short how-to:

Well, Sunbird doesn't look as pretty as the XFT/GTK2 version, but at
least I can work with it.

Yes, installing mozilla-thunderbird and removing it again (if you don't want it) will bring you the needed libraries to run firefox, thunderbird and sunbird downloaded from mozilla.org.

If you want to build it with xft & gtk2 support, the -dev packages listed as source dependencies in mozilla-thunderbird should be sufficient too.

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