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Re: Creating a subset mirror

On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 14:28, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> Use apt-proxy and install the packages you want.  After you install them on
> one machine they will be available on the proxy for other machines to access
> across your local network.
> Otherwise, you can manually (using ftp or wget) get the .deb files you want
> and follow the instructions in my HOWTO to manually create a repository
> ( http://familiasanchez.net/~sanchezr/?page=debrepository ).

First off I'd like to thank you for the information. I looked at
apt-proxy and it almost does what I want to do. Perhaps I should explain
a little more. I want to get a subset of what is currently installed on
my system with some additional packages, I don't want to have them
installed first on my local system, and I don't want all of the packages
that are on my local system (such as x, and other uneeded applications
for my other systems).

I will probably fall back to getting the files manually and creating a
repository. I was just hopeful that someone had already done something
similar that would allow for an easy update of the packages using apt.
Thanks for the information, I may hack at the apt-proxy code and see if
I can make it do what I want it to.

 o)      Derek Wueppelmann                 (o
(D .       monkey@monkeynet.ca              D).
((`           http://www.monkeynet.ca/     ( ) `

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