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Re: OT Open source Windows terminal server?

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 06:59:18PM +0800, Franki wrote:
> What I'd like to do is find a GPL alternative to buying Windows terminal 
> server (They already have a Windows 2003 file server and run an NT 
> domain style network, (don't look at me, I didn't set it up.)) Is there 
> any GPL software that can perform the tasks required on a Windows 
> server?  I would then install and setup rdesktop on the clients and run 
> Linux on all of them.

I'm no Windows guru (I've gotten pretty good at not doing Windows),
but I thought the Win2003 Server version already had Terminal
Services built in.  Have you tried hooking up to the 2003 server with
rdesktop as-is?  Might work...

If not, I think the earlier mention of Wine/CodeWeavers is something
worth looking into if you can get your client to swallow the idea of
running the Windows software on a Linux server instead of a Windows
server.  From there, you just need to set up some form of XDMCP
server (xdm, wdm, gdm...) on the server and clients can just run
remote X sessions to gain access to the Windows apps.  I've done
setups like this before and, aside from being really slick, it also
impresses the hell out of users and is a breeze to admin, since all
the apps only exist on the server.  Even if you can just rdesktop to
the 2003 server without any additional software, you should probably
look into whether this is an acceptable option if you haven't

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