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Re: Kernel panic on boot with kernel 2.6.10 (SATA SiL 3112A issue maybe)

Anthony Tippett wrote:
For me this issue raised after the 2.6.7 kernels. I saw somewhere they changed how SATA drives were stored in /dev and made them scsi devices (sda, sdX...) instead of IDE (hda...)

Yep, I had figured that one out (see my initial post).

My kernel root resided on /dev/hde2, so I tried telling grub to look for it on /dev/sda2 ( I had no other scsi drives). However, there was still an issue because the SATA_SIL module wasn't being loaded by initrd. I think it was left out of the kernel src

Yep, I moved the root, but as SATA_SIL was not loading I still could not boot. (see thread with matt zagrabelny) SATA_SIL was in source and was compiled, but was not loaded by the initrd.

Anyways, I finally got 2.6.10 to work by just changing the kernel root in grub to /dev/sda2 instead of /dev/hde2. The best way to do this is by letting the grub menu come up on boot up and pressing the "e" key to edit the boot line. If it works, you can then edit the menu.lst and change the kopt (in my case "kopt=root=/dev/sda2 ro") and then change the 2.6.10+ kernel lines also.

title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.10-1-k7
root            (hd0,1)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-1-k7 root=/dev/sda2 ro
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-1-k7

Yep, I did that and it still did not work (see same thread).

I guess my point is that you don't have to add the sata_sil module to initrd anymore as I thought I saw it in a kernel changelog as a bug and it's been fixed.

I had to edit initrd - sata_sil.ko was present in the initrd image, but loadmodules did not try to load it. It is peculiar if it does that for you. Any idea why that might be different? I have the exact same version of the kernel.



Andrey Andreev
University of Helsinki
Dept. of Computer Science

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