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ide drive /dev/hda does not mount after SCSI /dev/sda during boot

I am new to Debian and kernel 2.6 so please accept my apologies for what is most likely ignorance on my part.


I have


 o ASUS A7V (circa 2000) MB w/ 1GHz AMD Athlon. BIOS updated to v. 1011.

 o SEAGATE SCSI drive and ADAPTEC SCSI controller card

 o WD 250GB drive connected to the as the IDE Primary (Master)

 o PLEXTOR DVD-RW on the IDE Secondary (Master)

 o generic CD-ROM on the IDE Secondary (Slave)


o All devices are successfully recognized during base-config installation.

o All OS components are installed onto the SCSI (sda).

o The WD is partitioned and mounted on /tmp, /opt, /usr/local, and /home


After the entire Desktop installation is complete, with no errors, the machine is rebooted. During the bootup all the drives are recognized (at least it looks that way in the dmesg), however when the attempt to mount the /dev/hda{1-4} is made, I see /dev/hda1 (2,3,4) "File not found" and bootup stops.


I enter the root pwd, and execut the following:


# ls /dev              // There is no hda, however sda, hdc, hdd are there

# cd /dev

# MAKEDEV hda          // Why are these devices created in /.dev ??

# mv /.dev/hda* .

# mount -a             // all of the hda partitions successfully mount

# exit


At this point the bootup continues and everything is peachy from here on out.


I did not have this issue with the previous installation (RH AS30, 2.4.x).


I have convinced myself that this has to be a minor configuration issue, so if you've got some insight, please drop me a line.


Thanks for reading!


Gordon Jackson


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