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Re: Comparing and testing sound daemons.

On Sunday 27 February 2005 02:10, A. Alphan Bayazit wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 16:04 +0000, Adam Funk wrote:
> > I'm currently using esound, and I believe that artsd, jackd and alsa
> > are
> > alternatives to this -- am I right?
> The problem is, however, not every application works with each daemon.
> KDE applications mostly use arts, while Gnome guys use esd.
> Some applications such as mplayer, gstreamer, xmms  etc, can use almost
> anything.

One thing to bear in mind is that apps which don't support a particular sound 
daemon can sometimes be made to work with them anyway, using wrappers.  arts 
and esd both have wrappers (artswrapper and esddsp, if i recall correctly) 
which can be used to make an OSS program compatible.


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