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guessnet with ifplugd during boot fails


I've been trying to setup network auto detection, as I'm using my
laptop in more different places these days. I'm using hotplug, ifplugd
and guessnet.

To keep it simple, I started of with just detecting my home network
and ignoring wireless interfaces.

When the machine is booted, it works as intended:
* An ifup eth0 detects with guessnet the presence of my server and
brings up the logical interface home.
* If I remove the module of my network card and re-insert it with
modprobe then hotplug detects it, starts ifplugd and brings up the
interface as stated above.
* If I remove the cable ifplugd detects it and if I replug it again,
ifup eth0 is called.

So far so good, but when I boot the machine the interface is not
brought up. Ifplugd is running for the interface eth0. But ifup eth0
is never called.

If I do it manually, or replug the cable, then everything works again.
But I have no idea why it's not hapening automatically.

I also tried putting INTERFACES="eth0" in /etc/default/ifplugd and
commented the hotplug stanza in /etc/network/interfaces, but that
setup gave the same results.

This is my configuration:

I have NET_AGENT_POLICY=auto in /etc/default/hotplug

and my /etc/default/ifplugd contains:
ARGS="-q -f -d10 -w -I"

This is what my /etc/network/interfaces looks like:

# The loopback network interface.
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# Allow hotplug to bring up interfaces.
mapping hotplug
        script echo

# Find out if the interface is wired or wireless.
mapping eth*
        script /usr/local/bin/interfacetype

mapping wired
        script /usr/sbin/guessnet-ifupdown
        map home
        map timeout: 10
        map verbose: true

#mapping wireless
        # empty for now

iface home inet dhcp
        dns-search student.utwente.nl
        # We are at home, my server is recognised.
        test peer address mac 00:40:95:1B:3A:56

The script /usr/local/bin/interfacetype just checks for the existance
of /sys/class/net/$IFACE/wireless and outputs either wireless or wired
on the standard output.

For now I don't do anything with the wireless stanze. I first want to
get my onboard lan card working.

Does anyone know why guessnet does not detect my server during boot?
Is it guessnet where the problem lies?


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