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Re: Gameport

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Alejandro Matos schrieb:
| Hi!
| I have been searching info about it but it seems that I can't get it
to work...
| I have a Sidewinder joystick connected to the gameport.
| $ lsmod | grep sidewinder
| sidewinder             14016  0
| gameport                4736  3 snd_ens1371,sidewinder,analog
| in /etc/modules i have this:
| evdev
| gameport
| joydev
| analog
| sidewinder

I don't know if it also applies to you but the module for my gravis
gamepad pro (grip) is conflicting with analog. Try to prevent it from
loading. If you're using hotplug as I am put "analog" it into the blacklist.

| When rebooting and starting things I can read this:
| "Oops, please create some joystick device nodes with MAKEDEV
| fistStarting joystick device check: Starting systemm message bus:
| dbus-1"
| I've copied as I get it in the screen.
| I have NO idea what I'm missing. Maybe someone can give me a hand.
| Thanks in advance.

Have you got the package joystick installed? If I recall correctly then
it should create all the appropriate devices as needed.
Be sure to read the joystick-related stuff in the input part of your
kernel-doc if you're still running into problems later.
Also this problem might be related to udev, I don't use it and can't
give you advice on that though.

Shouts, Roman.
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