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Re: Dnsmasq and resolvconf was Re: AAAARGHHHHH - aptitude hosed my system

Seeker5528 wrote:
If it is not a benefit for you to do above things, I do not see a reason
to have dnsmasq installed on any of your machines and certainly not on a
laptop, but if it is installed and things are working the words 'if it's
not broke don't fix it' come to mind. ;)

Dear friend,
the reason for which I do benefit from having dnsmasq running on my laptop is that it does DNS caching for the laptop itself. I am not using it's DHCP capability since my laptop is the only dynamic address PC on my home LAN.

My /etc/resolv.conf is setup with a nameserver which is dnmasq. All subsequent lookups to same names are locally served by dnsmasq.

Hope I managed to explain myself.

Take care,

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